Little Rooters Mini Pigs – Meet the Mini Pig Breeder


Meet the Registered Mini Pig Breeder 

Little Rooters Mini Pigs

The American Mini Pig Association is proud to introduce Carla Goff-Glutting of Little Rooters Mini Pigs in Millwood, Kentucky as a Registered Breeder Member. Carla has taken the required steps to stand out as an honest, ethical, transparent, and supportive mini pig breeder. She has agreed to follow the AMPA Breeder Code of Ethics. Her website and social media have been screened and approved by AMPA, and she has taken photos of measurements of her pigs proving their size without a doubt to avoid confusion or misunderstandings with new pig parents. Carla has taken the steps necessary to bring together expectation and reality! She provides thorough screening of potential pig parents and offers life time support for the pigs and their families. 

reg breeder google map

Little Rooters Mini Pigs is a family passion! Carla’s husband and two small children are all involved in the care and socialization of these wonderful little mini pigs. Carla has been breeding mini pigs for 9 years. She is the first AMPA Registered Breeder to have multiple generations of registered mini pigs in the permanent database. Mothers, daughters, and grandmother!! Little Rooters is part of AMPA history! 


This is an extraordinary acheivement giving you the best size estimate. While mini pig sizes vary considerably, and not all offspring will mature to the exact height of their parents, having multiple generations gives future owners a far better gauge of the size their piglet will mature to. 


Little Rooters has carefully selected mini pigs for their breeding program including pigs from Wittle Piggies in South Carolina. 


Carla’s pigs at Little Rooters are highly sought after by respected breeders. Her pigs have been included in breeding programs at Lakalas Mini Pigs in New York, Indiana Mini Pigs in Indiana, West Virginia Mini Pigs in West Virginia, Wittle Piggies in South Carolina, and Pig Pen Hill Mini Pigs in Kentucky.  


Carla is a fierce advocate for mini pigs everywhere. She is very generous with her time educating pig parents and fellow breeders across Facebook on a daily basis. She also attends numerous local events and festivals throughout the year. She brings along several mini pigs to help educate the public on responsible ownership, care, and breeding practices. She ensures these families know how dangerous and unethical it is to take piglets away from their mom very young. She shows the public the true size of mini pigs. 


Little Rooters Mini Pigs ensures all mini pigs are vetted and have proper paperwork before they leave. Dr. Scott Blair has been invaluable to the health and welfare of the pigs at Little Rooters. His expertise and compassion have helped Carla to build a reputation for healthy and responsible practices. Dr. Tony Roe has been equally important with spaying the females piglets. Little Rooters Mini Pigs is also experienced shipping pigs across the United States. Carla is very careful with flying pigs, taking into consideration their health, age, and the outside temperature. She truly cares for these mini pigs and will do anything to protect them. 


Carla has a policy to take back any of her mini pigs for any reason if the owner is no longer able to care for them. She ensures her pigs will never want for a good home. She has also been very active in rescue missions. She keeps in close contact with the shelters and animal control facilities in her area in case any mini pigs are in need. She also rescues mini pigs from owners that are unable or unwilling to care for them. She carefully screens prospective adoptive families just as thoroughly as she does for her own mini pigs. Carla is a shining example of a responsible breeder. She sets a standard that other breeders strive to meet.


Little Rooters Mini Pigs website mentions: “We invite you to visit us… Unlike many mini pig breeders, we WANT our buyers to visit our piglets and parent pigs.  We DO NOT hide any of our parent pigs.  We want our buyers to see exactly what they are getting and we are SO proud to show them off!” 


Little Rooters Mini Pigs on Facebook


Little Rooters Mini Pigs website



Articles written by or about Little Rooters Mini Pigs: 


Charlie the Mini Pig Hero: Therapy Pig in Training

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