Teaching Bow, Curtsy, and Crawl – Mini Pigs Do It All!

Teach your pig to bow down, kneel, or crawl



 The AMPA’s official Mini Pig Training Handbook: Tricks, Life Skills, and Communication With Your Mini Pig is the first training book of it’s kind! An impressive 130 pages full of training instruction, behavior, communication, problem solving, aggression, tricks, manners, and FULL COLOR or B & W photos to help you visualize the wonderful companion that is within your reach.


One of the keys to a long and successful relationship with your mini pig is training and enrichment. Pigs are incredibly intelligent animals. Highly trainable and they thrive when their minds are stimulated and challenged. A well trained pig is a happy pig. Every time you train with your mini pig, you are improving your communication and strengthening your bond. Training teaches your mini pig the skills she needs to be a well behaved member of the family. Training also gives her the tools she needs to communicate with you.


Basic Life Skills ♦ Harness and Leash ♦ Potty Training ♦ Fun Tricks  Obstacle Course ♦ Teaching Respect ♦ Enrichment Activities

Order Your Copy Today! 

mini pig training

Mini Pig Training Handbook

Tricks, Life Skills, and Communication 

With Your Mini Pig 



Teaching Bow, Curtsy, & Crawl

Training Series – Blog 10







Bow Down or Curtsy


It’s easy to teach your pig to bow. This is a huge crowd pleaser! The easiest way to teach this is by luring your pig into the position you want, so he chooses his movement. If you try to force your pig into position he will surely show you how head strong he is! 


This is a perfect opportunity to practice the clicker training method so you can “mark” the position you want your pig to repeat. Read the clicker training blog here. You’ll also want to make sure you are setting up your training session for success by following the tips in this blog












To teach your pig to bow, sit on the floor with your mini pig. Put your legs in front of you and pick up your knees to make a little tunnel for your pig to crawl under. The angle of your knees should depend on the size of your mini pig. Use a treat in one hand to lure the mini pig through the gap under your knees. Lower your knees enough that the pig has to crouch down onto their knees to fit through the opening. They will be motivated by this treat. The moment they fold their legs under, click your training clicker and offer them a treat for a job well done! They don’t yet realize this movement is what you were asking of them, so be sure to repeat repeat repeat. Once you have marked and rewarded the behavior several times your mini pig will start to connect the dots. When he is automatically bending down onto his knees without hesitation, try moving your legs out of the way. 


At this point, your mini pig will probably still need a little encouragement to bend down into the bow. Place a treat in your hand, close your fist, and hold it to the ground. Your mini pig will automatically direct his snout down to your fist as he is lured to the treat. Now ask him to “bow”. He may root at your hand a little but should quickly remember to bend his legs into the desired position. If he doesn’t bow, don’t become frustrated or let him become frustrated. Simply prop your knees back up and give him the chance to practice some more. 


As he realizes the exact movement that is being rewarded, you won’t need to use any guidance or luring. You will be able to say “bow” and he will bow for his audience!




Once you have mastered bow you are ready to move onto crawl. Ask your mini pig to get into a bow position. Hold your hand in a fist, on the ground in front of his snout. As soon as he lowers his head to meet your fist, slowly move your fist forward along the ground so he is inching forward on his knees. If he stands up, just stop. Start from the beginning. Ask him to bow, click, tell him “good boy”, and again slowly move your fist forward. If he is standing too quickly, then you are moving the treat too fast and he is trying to catch up. The key here is to lure him VERY slowly forward and reward. 



What have you taught your pig? Tell us about it! We’d love to feature you and your mini pig on the American Mini Pig Association Facebook page. Send your photos and videos to our Facebook page or email us at info@americanminipigassociation.com


What can you teach a pig?  


  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Spin 
  • Bow or Curtsy
  • Crawl
  • Back up
  • Walk on a harness 
  • Relax for hoof trims
  • Come to their name
  • N
  • Out or leave it 
  • Shake hands 
  • Wave 
  • Push a ball
  • Pick up objects
  • Paint 
  • Solve puzzles 
  • Honk a bike horn 
  • Play a piano
  • Play guitar
  • Kiss 
  • Obstacle course
  • Swim 
  • Ride a skateboard
  • Unroll the red carpet 
  • Step up (onto an object) 
  • Jump through a hula hoop 
  • Use Stairs
  • Use a doggy door
  • Run through a tunnel 
  • Roll out a red carpet 
  • Walk up a ramp 
  • Understand sign language 
  • Distinguish colors
  • Distinguish shapes
  • Walk on teeter totter
  • Weave through poles
  • Figure 8 through legs
  • Ring a bell to go potty outside
  • & Lots more!






Where can I find more training resources?

 The American Mini Pig Association has a wealth of educational articles including training and enrichment activities: 

Basic Skills and Tricks 

Teach your Pig to Move, MTP

Potty Training Your Pig 

Enrichment Activities For Bored Pigs 

More Training Blogs

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teaching bow

Visit our website to learn more about mini pigs, become a member of the AMPA, and register your pet pig in the official AMPA Registry!

