The Juliana is a small, colorfully spotted pig. It more closely resembles a small version of a large hog or feral pig than it does the Pot Belly Pig. It should be lean, longer than it is tall, and athletic in appearance. The Juliana should never be pudgy, heavily wrinkled, or sluggish in appearance.
EARS: Ears are small and erect.
Das grüne Rezept ist auch ein einfaches Rezept (Grünes Rezept). Die Farbe dieses Rezeptformulars ist grün. Medikamente, die im grünen Rezept enthalten sind, können in der Regel ohne Rezept gekauft werden, aber es kann notwendig sein, dass der auf diesem netz Steuerzahler seine Ausgaben nachweisen muss. Die Gültigkeitsdauer eines solchen Rezepts ist unbegrenzt.
HEAD: The most prominent feature of the head is a long straight snout that is neither turned up nor snubbed. Eyes are almond shaped, clearly visible, and can be blue to almost black.
NECK: Heavy jowls are to be discouraged.
BODY: Lean and muscular; The Juliana Pig should never look round or flabby. The top line should be straight and of proportionate length. Chest and shoulders should be of medium width, neither broad nor narrow. A slight sway in the back is permissible but discouraged. Belly should be clean and firm. A slight roundness in the belly is permissible, but there should not be a ‘Pot belly’ present. Leniency is given to sows who have produced litters.
TAIL: Straight when relaxed with a switch on the end. When excited or in motion the Juliana tail may curl or twist.
LEGS: Set well apart, straight when viewed from the front and rear. Front legs should be set under the shoulders but converge when in motion. Two toes of even length and two dewclaws on each foot. Rear legs should be set apart, but under the body. In motion the legs will converge. When viewed from the side, hocks should be set slightly back and be strong. Hocks should never be weak.
FEET: strong, closed, even, and forward facing
COLORATION: Always spotted; the base color can be silver, white, red, rust, black, or cream. Spots are generally black, but can also be red or white. Spotting should be profuse and random, not in a piebald pattern. Spotting may fade/blend in as the hair coat gets longer, but pigmentation on the skin must be visible when washed or shaved. Hair coat is coarse, thick and may be quite long in the winter.
Height: 15 inches and taller.