Pigs in a Pocket – Meet the Mini Pig Breeder


 Meet the Registered Mini Pig Breeder 

Pigs in a Pocket  

The American Mini Pig Association is proud to introduce Savanna Hicks of Pigs in a Pocket as a Registered Breeder Member. Savanna has taken the required steps to stand out as an honest, ethical, transparent, and supportive mini pig breeder. She has agreed to follow the AMPA Breeder Code of Ethics, her website and social media have been screened and approved by AMPA, and she has taken photos of measurements of her pigs proving their size without a doubt to avoid confusion or misunderstandings with new pig parents. Savanna has taken the steps necessary to bring together expectation and reality! She provides thorough screening of potential pig parents and offers life time support for the pigs and their families. 

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Savana raises mini pigs in Winterville, Georgia. When you visit Pigs in a Pocket Facebook page, the first thing you will notice is these pigs are FAMILY!  Pigs in the house, pigs on the couch, pigs in laps, pigs everywhere enjoying life. Savanna was raised in a family that has always been dedicated to and advocating for animals. She is married with plenty of “four footed” children. Her five dogs all came from various rescue situations, along with a senior horse and a yearling that thinks the pigs are only there to play with him. Savanna is a college student majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry. She plans to apply to the University of Georgia veterinary school next summer. She would like to focus on equine sports medicine. There you have it folks, a veterinarian in the making! 


Savanna tells us “I looked into getting a mini pig several years ago, but I knew I wanted to wait until I bought a house and had some property. After I turned 20, I closed on my house that was on 5 acres and I immediately started researching mini pigs again and breeders. What I discovered was scary, I could not believe all the scams people pull and the lies they tell and the pigs that get hurt because of it. I initially dismissed the dream of getting a mini pig because it seemed there was no honest person to buy from and it seemed they were all antisocial, aggressive, and close to 300lb. My mom was actually the one to suggest breeding. I thought about it long and hard and decided that that was a change I wanted to be a part of. I want to match pigs with fantastic dispositions with loving families. I wanted to be honest, ethical, and upfront with people looking to add a pig to their family. I wanted to be the person that I was looking for when I decided I wanted a mini pig.”  Wise words from an outstanding breeder the American Mini Pig Association is proud to stand behind! 


Pigs in a Pocket website mentions: “We are small scale breeders that are dedicated to being honest and  ethical, pampering our pigs, and producing quality healthy, and well socialized Juliana pigs!” 


Pigs in a Pocket on Facebook



Pigs in a Pocket  website



Articles written by or about Pigs in a Pocket:


Pearl the Mini Pig Hero Teaches Children Responsibility 


Cheerio Clusters 


Mini Pig Ice Cream Cake 

Find a Registered AMPA Breeder at 


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Visit our website to learn more about mini pigs, find a registered mini pig breeder, become a member of the AMPA and register your mini pig in the official mini pig registry!

